Constipation Could be Parkinson’s Symptoms: Treat it Through Effective Changes in Food Habits

Parkinson’s is a progressive, degenerative neurological condition that affects a person’s ability to control their body movements. It predominantly affects the dopamine generating neurons in a specific area of the brain called substantia nigra. The symptoms of Parkinson’s disease develop slowly over the years and varies from one person to the other. The noted signs include sleeping disorder, bowel problems and shaking of the hands (which is initially a mild condition but later takes a major form). People suffering from this medical condition may also face limb rigidity and issues in balancing body weight. One of the major symptoms in Parkinson’s disease is constipation . It may occur due to the improper functioning of the autonomic nervous system which is responsible for regulating smooth muscle activity. If this system is not working, then the intestinal tract may operate slowly, causing constipation. Medications such as Artane and Cogentin which are the prescribed drugs u...

Discover the power of Placenta Stem Cell Therapy in Almo, TX

The female body has a different structure and is made up of different kind of cells. Though their body cells look different under a microscope, most living cells have a common chemical structure.

The human body has around 200 different types of cells, and within these living cells, there are around 20 different kinds of structures. Our ligament, bones, cartilage, joints, muscles are perpetually on a breakage and declining state due to wear and tear and several health problems. Placenta stem cells are the body’s raw materials. They are the living cells from which all other cells with differentiated functions are produced. Under the right situation in the laboratory or a human body, stem cells divide to form more cells. These cells are either become specialized cells (specialization) or become new stem cells with a more distinct function, such as brain cells, blood cells, heart muscle or bone.
Placenta blood is richer than cord blood and hence have a life-saving capacity. These blood cells also contain a type of stem cell that is being used for the treatment of:
  • Blood Cancers
  • Immune system disorder
  • Lack of Oxygen to brain
  • Scarring in lungs
  • Blood disorder


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